In a shocking display of audacity and complete disregard for the sacred dominion of Meta, our editorial team has been caught engaging in the heinous act of discussing topics that lie outside the carefully curated realm of OnlyFans models and sponsored content. We understand that this is a grave transgression against the hallowed halls of social media overlordship and we are truly, deeply, and profoundly sorry.
It has come to our attention that topics such as the meaning of life, the nature of consciousness, and the potential existence of an afterlife are simply not acceptable forms of discourse on the internet. We wholeheartedly agree that such matters are far too complex and intellectually stimulating for the delicate sensibilities of our online audience. In the future, we pledge to limit our content exclusively to carefully curated images of individuals in various states of undress, interspersed with subtle product placements.
We understand that Meta’s commitment to maintaining a platform that is both intellectually stimulating and deeply meaningful is paramount. It is with the utmost respect for this noble pursuit that we vow to never again stray from the path of vacuous entertainment. We hope that Meta will accept our sincere apology and allow us to continue our important work of promoting mindless consumption and superficial beauty standards.
Thank you, Meta, for your unwavering dedication to creating a digital utopia where thought-provoking content is strictly prohibited and human value is measured solely in likes and shares. We are truly honored to be a small part of your grand vision.
To better align ourselves with the quality content that is unfiltered by Meta, POTD resolves to broaden our mindsets and begin including more posts featuring tits, ass, and OnlyFans models with what seems to be a sliver of dental floss covering their vaginas. Hopefully these changes will allow our posts to go live without continually being flagged.
Prattle Of The Damned Editorial Staff. (a SATIRACLE news site).
POTD Issues Letter of Apology to Meta POTD Issues Letter of Apology to Meta